An Introduction To Go
Dom Davis
11:00-12:30, Thursday, 3rd April 2025
Unless you've been hiding under a rock, you've no doubt heard of Go - a lightweight, simple, type safe, C-like language. I love Go. It's not the perfect language (far from it), but it fills its niche very well, and makes writing nice, easy to read code a breeze. If you'd like to share in my love of the language, and perhaps see what the fuss is all about then come along to this brief introduction to Go. We'll look at the language fundamentals, what it gets right, what it gets wrong, and where it fits in among the myriad of languages available to you.
Dom Davis

Dom Davis is a veteran of The City and a casualty of The Financial Crisis. Not content with bringing the world to its knees he then went off to help break the internet before winding up in Norfolk where he messes about doing development and devops. Dom has been writing code since his childhood sometime in the last millennium – he hopes some day to become good at it.
Dom is an enthusiastic and impassioned speaker [read: he gabbles] who uses a blend of irreverent sarcasm and flippant humour to bring complex subjects to a broad audience. Whether or not they understand him is up for debate, but he likes to believe they do.