C++ Coroutines - Gods from the Machine
Phil Nash
But the dance between all those parts and what the compiler does for you is so tight that you can literally let your compiler be your guide. I'll show how, from a standing start, you can get from no code to a working, useful, coroutine while only needing to know a handful of extra pieces of information.
In ancient Greek theatre puzzling plots were often resolved by external factors - often an actor or prop lowered in from a crane (in Greek, "mēkhanês", or Latin: "mechine"). This came to be called, "deus ex machina" - gods from the machine. We will keep our deus ex machina to a minimum and leave the compiler to teach us the rest.
Finally! Coroutines without the suspense!
Phil Nash

Formerly Developer Advocate at Sonar and JetBrains he has had a career that spans finance, mobile and software security.
He's also a member of the ISO C++ standards committee, organiser of C++ London and C++ on Sea, as well as co-host and producer of CppCast.