How to value a story
Allan Kelly
14:00-15:30, Tuesday, 1st April 2025
Business value, business value, business value.
We have it drummed into us: order work by business value, "do the most valuable stuff first." But how many of us put a value on the work we are doing? How many of us attach business value to stories? Why not? Because its damn difficult. Far easier to use effort cost estimates (even if they are unreliable.)
In this fun interactive session Allan Kelly will demonstrate how to put a value on stories in a backlog while at the same time uncovering new requirements, elaborating specifications and valuable opportunities.
Allan Kelly

Allan Kelly helps teams and companies become more effective and productive. Using modern management techniques - like agile, OKRs and product thinking - he boosts effectiveness and connects product strategy to delivery.
He has written multiple books including the best selling "Succeeding with OKRs in Agile" plus "The Art of Agile Product Ownership" and "Business Patterns for Software Developers".