Mistakes With Data Made During Game Development
Dominik Grabiec
14:00-14:20, Thursday, 3rd April 2025
Data is at the heart of game development, and processing it is a big challenge, so naturally this leads to many mistakes being made. In this talk I will go over some mistakes I have made myself and others that I have encountered on AAA game projects, why they are problems, and possible remedies.
This will include mistakes made in the files and file formats themselves, in how they are built and organised, and in the systems which process them.
Dominik Grabiec

I've been programming since starting High School, first with varieties of BASIC but through the years moving onto C, x86 Assembly, and then learning C++ in 1999. The initial motivation for learning to program was driven by a desire to make games, though a large part of that was the joy of building and problem solving. My interest in programming led me to complete a Bachelor of Computer Science at the University of Adelaide, followed by working in various fields using C++, developing software for embedded medical devices, desktop defence video products, before finally landing in game development professionally. I then moved to Poland to pursue my dream of developing technology to make a world class AAA games (Cyberpunk 2077), and I continue to work in game development on game engine technology.