Optimising Data Building In Game Development

Dominik Grabiec

⏱ 90 minute session
11:30-13:00, Friday, 4th April 2025
In game development the building and optimisation of data for the game is an important but resource intensive and time consuming process. In this talk I will describe the fundamentals of data building, along with tips and techniques used to improve performance and efficiency of such systems in AAA game development.

I will introduce the basics of data building, briefly describe the differences between how the game code and data building code operate, how those differences impact processing performance, how a profiler can be used to identify trouble spots, and describe techniques I used to improve overall processing performance.

🏷 gamedev
🏷 games
🏷 concurrency
🏷 profiling

Dominik Grabiec

I've been programming since starting High School, first with varieties of BASIC but through the years moving onto C, x86 Assembly, and then learning C++ in 1999. The initial motivation for learning to program was driven by a desire to make games, though a large part of that was the joy of building and problem solving. My interest in programming led me to complete a Bachelor of Computer Science at the University of Adelaide, followed by working in various fields using C++, developing software for embedded medical devices, desktop defence video products, before finally landing in game development professionally. I then moved to Poland to pursue my dream of developing technology to make a world class AAA games (Cyberpunk 2077), and I continue to work in game development on game engine technology.