Stars aligned and software development adrift: why can we predict planets but not deadlines?

Luca Minudel

⏱ 90 minute session
16:00-17:30, Thursday, 3rd April 2025
Innovation is once again accelerating as no other generation has experienced before, rendering the old playbook ineffective and invalidating the assumptions of the iron triangle and traditional Project Management.

Despite this, many companies and leaders remain trapped in an outdated paradigm. Therefore while we can accurately predict the position of a planet in the sky 400 years from now, we cannot predict if and when certain projects will be completed. Hadn't we already tackled this challenge in software development around 2000?

This session will explore what is Complexity, its origins, what can be done about it, and why many organisations are still refractory to Complexity-Thinking. By the end of this session, you will be able to discriminate between Complex problems and ordered linear problems. You will be equipped with heuristics, behaviours and principles of Complexity-Thinking to break free from the anxiety of control, intolerance of ambiguity and uncertainty, and desire for simple narratives and alluring promises, to tackle and thrive in everyday Complexity.

🏷 Wicked Problems
🏷 Complexity
🏷 Complexity-Thinking
🏷 Complexity Science
🏷 Human Complexity
🏷 System-Thinking
🏷 Agility
🏷 Resilience
🏷 Adaptability

Luca Minudel

Luca Minudel (he/him) is an Agility and Lean advisor, mentor, coach, and Complexity-thinking practitioner. Organisational gardener, culture curator, collaboration orchestrator, delivery facilitator. He is also an author and a speaker with over 20 years of experience in professional software delivery and digital product development.

He contributed to the adoption of lean and agile practices by Ferrari's F1 racing team. For ThoughtWorks, he delivered training, coaching, assessments and organisational transformations in top-tier organisations in the UK, Europe and the United States. He worked as Head of Agility, Agile Transformation Lead, Lean/Agile Practice Lead, and as Lean/Agile Coach in companies such as Lloyds, BP, The AA, Japan Tobacco International, HSBC, LexisNexis, Marsh McLennan.

Luca is the founder and CEO at, a company that helps organisations turn their way of working into their competitive advantage.