Surveying the community – what could possibly go wrong

Anastasia Kazakova

⏱ 90 minute session
14:30-16:00, Saturday, 20th April 2024
There are 3 major researches in C++ community nowadays. Developer Ecosystem research by JetBrains is conducted yearly, with the infographics and the raw data published for free for everyone. Since launch we learnt many insights on how to collect and process the data to get the results which are not presenting our thoughts on state of the art but close to the real world. The knowledge starts from the way to ask questions and goes to the way we interpret the answers, including the “facepalm” issues we meet yearly.

In this talk, I'll feature the results of the recent C++ community surveys, make some comparisons, and will try to showcase how to treat the differences. We'll also dive into the survey methodology aspects, learning how to remove brand, targeting and sampling biases, as well as see how a "properly" asked question changes the data in our C++ reality. This knowledge is crucial for everyone who rely on such researches and want to use them in a correct way. Come and learn how the magic numbers are collected and how to apply them to your decisions!

🏷 data
🏷 ecosystem
🏷 research

Anastasia Kazakova

As a C and C++ software developer, Anastasia Kazakova created real-time *nix-based systems and pushed them to production for 8 years. She worked as an intern in Microsoft Research, Networking department, outsourced in Telecom, and launched the 4G network. She has a passion for networking algorithms and embedded programming and believes in good tooling. With all her love for C++, she is now the Product Marketing Manager on the JetBrains C++ tools and .NET marketing teams.